Sharon van der Werf
By Sharon van der Werf

Mutilator ensures that the future of raw hardstyle looks neon-colored – with his live act Neon Future, he and Anderex fly around the world to expertly demolish the largest stages. In addition, Mutilator also scored number 1 track in the Hardstyle top 40 this year with ‘Psychedelics‘. In short: it’s going well. In PLAFONDDIENST – The Hardstyle Podcast we catch up with the Gearbox DJ.

READ ALSO: Gearbox Route 666 travels to Rotterdam with a surprising evolutions set

Mutilator’s career is going through the roof at the moment. He’s only active for 5 years in the hardstyle scene, but this year, he dazzled the audience on the mainstage of Intents festival. On top of that, the mainstages of REBELLiON, Shockerz, and Gearbox Pole Position are yet to be tackled.

In the 13th episode of PLAFONDDIENST – The Hardstyle Podcast, Bram Luyten, better known as Mutilator, proudly talks about his live act with Anderex. After co-creating the anthem for Gearbox: Twin Turbo, the idea for Neon Future quickly took off. “Anderex really has a unique sound and our styles go together perfectly.”

A flaming start for Neon Future

The name Neon Future refers to the futuristic sounds that both raw hardstyle artists create. The two also wanted to incorporate something with neon and lights into their act. A costume with a luminous mask was part of it, but that didn’t go well. Just before the first Neon Future act, during Gearbox: Twin Turbo in the AFAS Live, the duo encountered a red-hot problem. “We initially had a different mask for our live act, but the batteries caught fire, just before we had to go on stage. We paid almost 800 euros for those masks, but they turned out to be real AliExpress quality.”

After the batteries caught fire, the Neon Future duo still had to go on stage. Without lights. After this bad purchase, Mutilator and Anderex decided to go for a costume switch. “We now have black masks. Without light, but fortunately this also looks sick.”


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Een bericht gedeeld door ANDEREX 👽 (@anderex.wav)

Mutilator and Anderex recently performed together on stage on the other side of the world, at HSU Knockout Outdoor. This was a highlight for Bram. “It was really chaos. Thousands of people shouting along to the Gearbox vocals and the melody, really surreal.” The next Neon Future act is scheduled for the Sunday of REBELLiON.

Mutilator in a new episode of PLAFONDDIENST – The Hardstyle Podcast

In the latest episode of PLAFONDDIENST – The Hardstyle Podcast, Mutilator talks about why he can’t make music after 18:00, about his breakthrough with ‘Onslaught‘ and how long (or rather: how short) it took him to produce his number 1 hit ‘Psychedelics‘. Listen to it now on your favorite podcast platform.

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Image via Facebook-page Gearbox Digital


  • elmthalysqoor 08 November 2023 - 14:38

    تنظيف الخزانات هو جزء هام من الصيانة المنزلية. يتم تجميع العديد من الرواسب والشوائب والبكتيريا في خزانات المياه مع مرور الوقت. يمكن أن يؤدي تراكم هذه الرواسب إلى تلوث المياه وتأثيرها على صحتنا. لذلك ، يجب تنظيف الخزانات بانتظام للتأكد من أن المياه نظيفة وصحية. يتضمن تنظيف الخزانات تفريغ المياه وإزالة الرواسب والشوائب بواسطة فرشاة وماء وصابون. يجب التأكد أيضًا من تعقيم الخزانات بواسطة مواد مطهرة قوية للقضاء على البكتيريا والجراثيم. يفضل الاعتماد على خبراء في تنظيف الخزانات لضمان القيام بالعملية بشكل صحيح وفعال.
    شركة تنظيف خزانات

  • اسعار تكييفات ميديا 11 May 2024 - 08:58

    تكييف كاريير أوبتيماكس إنفرتر يمثل تطورًا مبتكرًا في عالم التبريد والتكييف. يتميز بتقنية الإنفرتر المتطورة التي توفر كفاءة عالية في استهلاك الطاقة وتوفير في التكاليف. يعتمد هذا النظام على تحكم دقيق في سرعة المحرك، مما يسمح بتعديل الطاقة المستخدمة وفقًا لاحتياجات التبريد، مما يوفر أداءً متفوقًا واستهلاكًا فعالًا للطاقة. بفضل تصميمه الحديث والمواد عالية الجودة،

    اسعار تكييفات كاريير


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